All Preschool programs are full day programs that operate from 9:30 am - 3:30 pm.
Contracted Child Care Centers
Lightbridge Academy
Rt. 27 North Brunswick) (4 classrooms/60 prek students)
Acelero Learning (two locations - in North Brunswick)
Rt. 1 Commerce Center (4 classrooms/60 prek students)
578 Livingston Avenue (4 classrooms/60 prek students)
These contracted childcare centers operate under the Preschool Expansion (PEEA) Grant from the State of NJ to provide additional free preschool seats for resident, eligible students, since the Board does not have enough space to meet the numbers of 4 year old preschool students in the District. We do NOT rent space from these private preschool providers.
Click here to read the full letter.