Introduction to Creative Curriculum
The North Brunswick Township School district has adopted The Creative Curriculum for Preschool. The Creative Curriculum is an inquiry based/ problem solving approach to learning that is theory driven and research based. The framework centers around child development and the ways in which preschool children learn. Child development and learning is grouped into the four domains of social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language development. Teachers create a well designed learning environment through opportunities for child initiated learning and direct teaching strategies. Child initiated learning is done through in depth classroom exploratory studies and the use of eleven interest areas. The eleven areas present within each classroom include Blocks, Dramatic Play, Toys and Games, Art, Library, Discovery, Sand and Water, Music and Movement, Cooking, Computers, and Outdoors. Teacher directed instruction occurs through large group, small group and individual instruction. The content of instruction is aligned with New Jersey Preschool Expectations and Learning Outcomes and covers the subjects of Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, The Arts and Technology. Children are also directly taught the process skills necessary to most effectively acquire the content knowledge. Families are seen as partners in their child’s education and open lines of communication are encouraged. A comprehensive assessment system is utilized to link student learning with curriculum goals and objectives through teacher observations and collection of student work samples.