NBTHS students helping out at the Annual Parsons Family Math Night, Wednesday, February 5

Due to technical difficulties that we've been experiencing with our student management system, the NBTHS grade posting window for MP2 has been extended, again, until Monday, 2/10/2020 at 3 pm.

We welcome our new College Connections Coordinator, Mrs. Codjo. Mrs. Codjo is an employee of MCC but will have a satellite office in the Guidance office on Mondays & Fridays from 8-1. Questions about MCC? Contact Mrs. Codjo at: kstevenson@middlesexcc.edu or 732-289-3700 x73015

NBTHS teachers took part in an Escape Room Challenge for their professional learning this afternoon. Escape Rooms are challenging, encourage teamwork, and collaboration!

February is Black History Month and our BCA has created a wonderful display case highlighting inventions that have made the world better by African Americans. We look forward to our BCA Black History Month program on Friday February 21 at 6:00 PM in the Commons!

Congratulations to our Class of 2020 students who will continue their athletic careers on the collegiate levels at schools such as: Widener, Kean, Penn State, Syracuse, Robert Morris, and Central Michigan! We are so proud of all of you!

Congratulations to a team of NBTHS students who have qualified to compete in the 2020 Rutgers University Oncology Olympiad this coming March. Best of luck our team of 5 students in this prestigious competition!

The NBTHS grade posting window for MP2 has been extended until Friday, 2/7/2020 at 1 pm. At that time, MP2 grades will be finalized and visible on the Parent Portal.

Science Symposium at NBTHS on 2/23/2020. Click the link for the flyer:

Please visit the link below for an important message from our Nursing Supervisor regarding the Coronavirus & Flu

Thank you to the approximately 150 parents who attended our annual Incoming Freshman Parent Night! As promised our presentation is now available to all 8th grade parents on our website in the "For Parents" Section of our Menu. Please click on "Incoming Freshman Parents."

NBTHS students in grades 11 & 12 can win a monetary award for writing an essay. All submissions are due no later than by 3/4/2020 to Mr. Farrell in Guidance. For details, please visit: www.middlesexcountynj.gov/essay

Friday at the NBT Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, teacher Beth Passner was recognized for her work in leading our Diversity Council and Human Rights Coalition and students Abdul Savage, Shivam Nangia, and Lisbelle Rosario were recognized for community service. GO RAIDERS!

What a great weekend for NBTHS and our Students: Alchemists performed Theatre Review on Friday and Saturday! Model UN students received 6 awards at the world attended Columbia Conference! Two senior track athletes won the state Group 4 championship in the High Jump! More....

Honor and High Honor Roll Letters for Marking Period 1 are now posted on the parent/student portal under the "Letters" tab. Congratulations to all of our students who received this distinction!

Congratulations to Mrs. Marjorie Federico, NBTHS Governor's Educator of the Year for 2019-2020. Please see our News Feed for more information.

Congratulations to NBTHS senior Amanda Collado who was recognized last night as the 2019 Youth Advocate Award Winner by the North Brunswick Township Council! Amanda has been such a positive contributor to our school and community. Congrats to you and your family!

Reminder: The 2020 Science Symposium for grades 3-12 will be held on February 23rd at NBTHS. The last day to register is 12/22/19! Visit https://www.nbtscientists.org/ for more information

Attention NBTHS Parents: Due to the impending winter storm, NBTHS will close at 1:00 today. There are no after school activities or practices today. Be safe!

NBTHS FANS: Use the code and order by Dec 11th!!! Support North Brunswick!