Here's a link to "College Admissions Q&A: COVID Edition" in case you missed last week's (10/29/2020) presentation. https://vimeo.com/473989824

Solution Prep is offering a FREE practice version of the PSAT on 11/7/2020 at 9:30 am for students in grades 10 & 11. If you would like to sign up, please use the link below. Please take note that this is NOT the "official" PSAT typically offered in October by the College Board. The official PSAT is rescheduled for January 26, 2021. This is a great time to practice & prepare!

Reminder! Join us for a virtual Q&A program entitled, "How COVID Is Changing College Admissions" on Thursday, 10/29 from 7-9 pm. For more details, visit the News section of the school website. To register for the event click here: tinyurl.com/NBTHSadmissionsQA

NBTHS Community: PSAT Testing originally scheduled for Wednesday October 14 has been postponed to January 26, 2021. October 14 will still be a 12:12 closing for students and now a Day 2 on our rotational schedule.

This week NBTHS staff and students recognized the Week of Respect, which is meant to promote anti-bullying. On Wednesday staff and students wore "Purple for Peace!" Please see our highlight video! https://tinyurl.com/y4m22g4m

Football Games: A reminder that football tickets are not being sold to the general public. Tickets are distributed to players/participants only. Tickets must be shown in order to park and for entrance into the stadium. Masks are required for entry. Spectators without tickets will not be permitted outside the stadium.
The game should be live streamed on the NFHS network and on Instagram at NB_RaiderNation.
Thank you for the support and let's go Raiders!

Join us for a virtual Q&A program entitled, "How COVID Is Changing College Admissions" on Thursday, 10/29 from 7-9 pm. For more details, visit the News section of the school website. To register for the event click here: tinyurl.com/NBTHSadmissionsQA

Event Time Change -
Parents of Students in Grades 9-12:
Please mark your calendars for 10/22 from 5-7 pm and join our NBTHS community at our first free Virtual Financial Aid Night. The event will be hosted by Solution Prep prior to conferences that night. If you cannot attend, the event will be recorded and posted. And we will host a similar event again! More information can be found in the News Feed section on the left!

NBTHS recognizes the Week of Respect October 5-9. As part of our activities, we shared a video with our students in homeroom about our anti-bullying resources that are available in our school and encourage them to participate in Wear Purple for Peace on Wednesday 10/7!

NBTHS Community: Although we couldn't be in person, please watch our amazing Fall Pep Rally video!

NBTHS community: Please see our special presentation for Hispanic Heritage Month from the Latin American club and featuring NBTHS staff and students! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tp1jU8mqOzThuseHpsoBJ_nHgoSRQX85/view?ts=5f767200

Today is Friday October 2 and its a Day 2. Today is an extended homeroom for special presentations for students on Hispanic Heritage Month and the Week of Respect. Have a great weekend.

NBTHS Community: Please note that the SAT test for 10/3 at NBTHS has been cancelled. But please check the College Board website after 10/3 for make up dates and upcoming tests we will be hosting. https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register/find-test-centers

NBTHS Community: Today is Thursday 10/1, a Day 1, and it is a 12:12 closing for students. Please monitor our website and Kinvolved for our virtual Back to School Night information which will be sent out at 6:30 PM this evening.

NBTHS Community: This week we are holding our Virtual Pep Week culminating in our Virtual Pep Rally on Friday. Please see the linked flyer for our Pep Week Activities: https://tinyurl.com/yyd88rc3. We hope all students and staff will particiapte!

NBTHS Community. As part of our recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, please see the hyper doc that has been created by our Media Specialist, Ms. Danalakis! We encourage you to explore this great resource this month! https://tinyurl.com/yyamsqpo

Study Hall sections will soon be appearing in schedules for students who have open periods with no classes assigned. In our remote setting, students will still use this time as an unsupervised block to catch up on work. When we return to NBTHS, students must report to Study Hall.

Study Hall sections will soon be appearing in schedules for students who have open periods with no classes assigned. In our remote setting, students will still use this time as an unsupervised block to catch up on work. When we return to NBTHS, students must report to Study Hall.

Good Morning NBTHS. Today is a Day 3 and we are following our Extended Homeroom Schedule for today. Our SGO students will be sharing information from their first General Assembly Meeting. Have a great Day!

NBTHS celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month which takes place from Sept. 15-Oct. 15! In homerooms today we are viewing a video school wide that shares the origins of this month with students. Other activities are being planned that we will encourage all students to participate in.